Current Mood: Tired, as usual.
I didn't have time this morning to make coffee, but I thought it'd be ok since there's now a half-decent coffee-kiosk in the cafeteria. Which, sadly, was not open when I went to get my coffee. Instead, I got instant coffee from the machine that was as hot and almost had flavor. Tired, but more or less together, I walked into class to learn people's views on nature...
Nature: A summery of my humanities class today.
Nature is what exactly?
1. Nature is all things. Buildings, Cars, Trees, Plants, are all natural.
2. Nature is all things that are not human-built. Parks are natural, but playgrounds are not.
3. Nature is anything that is away from the cities. City parks are unnatural, for example, but National Parks are completely natural.
4. Nature is all things that are untouched by humans. Even parks are unnatural in this definition.
What is the point of Nature?
1. Nature is about life, and living. By being out of touch with nature, we as a people are forgetting how to really live.
2. Nature is about peace. We are the destroyers of the peace, when we destroy nature.
3. Nature is about conflict and progress through strife. We are the fulfillment of nature.
4. Nature is ours for the taking. We are the guardians and the harvesters of nature.
One hours worth of conversation summed up in 8 points.
Me myself? I don't know on the first question. To the second question, I argued for the third answer, being that I know too much biology to believe that nature is in any way peaceful or about life. Too many times in the history of the world one species has carelessly eradicated another. We are the only species that's even aware of the bigger picture. The only thing that's constant in nature is conflict. Plants struggle against each other for minerals, water, and light. Animals compete for food. Even the bacteria will happily eradicate an entire forest if it means that strain can continue to spread and grow. The entire system is based on fighting.
Our role is one of domination. We have now risen to the point where we're at the top of the hill. Now, we can either act carelessly, and destroy all of everything, or we can act responsibly, and protect those things which by necessity we destroyed before. But let's not get romantic about the area from which we have no recently emerged. The world away from civilization is unpleasent, harsh, and careless. But then, so is the world in civilization. Life itself is pretty mean to us.
But fuck it.
I'm beginning to worry about my psychology class. The teacher's cancelling class on wednesday, and his lectures cover about 2 pages of the book per class period. Which means, at the current rate, we'll be dead or at least out of school before we get to the end of chapter 2. We moved from talking about neurotransmitters to the very basics of the nervous system. Next we'll start on the brain. A lot of the information that's supposed to be on the test isn't in the book or in his lectures, so I'm probably going to end up doing a lot of online research for this class.
In other news, I'm being asked to make a website for a company. That'll be nice. The design I've done looks really good, but it's all dependent on how they see it. If they don't like it, I have to rework it. That scares me. The nice part is that these people are pretty laid back, so as long as it looks decent, they should be happy.
I'm going to meet with lissa on thursday to show of my novel. She, in turn, will be showing off hers, and we'll likely wander completely off task and not accomplish much. But in theory, we'll be reading each other's stuff and giving each other much needed feedback and support. Which is good. (grin)
I just listened to Delerium for the first time, just now. I think I need to check them out. The two songs I've so far heard have been very very good.
This chair is really uncomfortable, so I think I'm gonna boogie on home.
Except that I missed the bus...bah!
Tata everyone.