Current Mood: Tired (as usual)
I just read selections from "I, Rigoberta Menchu" which is a tale composed by a Quiche woman in Guatemala. The book itself doesn't really offend me, though there are places where she says things that she really couldn't know and doesn't explain how she knows them. Things that happen out of her sight and such like that. The real problem is that all the articles about her relish in pointing out that the white-man came to Mexico and then the death began...
Says who?
Seriously, at what point did white guys become the only ones who were violent? Before the white guys got to the Americas, the Aztecs were doing things that were much more horrendous. Things along the lines of killing people and wearing their skins as capes. So I'm sorry if I don't buy the "white guys brought war" idea. Just because a culture is unable to write things down does not mean they were automatically at peace with everyone. All people, everywhere, are capable of war. White guys didn't bring war or murder to the area. They only brought the technology which made the fights a lot more one sided than they used to be.
We're all looking for a scapegoat because, in the end, we don't want to admit how evil we're capable of being.
'night all