Current Mood: Feelin' Fine
I just wrote the summery for the first five chapters to my Adult Novel. It's not Adult as in Sexaul. It's just that I'm also working on a Kid's Novel and I need to keep the two seperate somehow. But the summery just flew out. That being said, I don't think I'm even halfway through with the first part. There's three parts total, so I've got a lot of work ahead of me. But I'm taking it slow, being steady, and just letting it write itself. That's really all I can do.
The problem is that I thought this would take me 3 hours or so, after procrastination and struggle. Instead, I got it done in 30 minutes. So now I'm sitting here and I've got lots of free time. I'm trying to decide if I should now goof off or try to get something else creative accomplished. Maybe I'll work on my website, or do up the review for Simpsons: Hit & Run I've been thinking of. We'll just have to see.
anyways, just thought I'd make a post. Posts are happy things.
see ya later, world.