Current Mood: creatively pleased
Hey, I put the archives up! (dances a happy dance)
We're doing a group presentation on Personality Disorders in Psychology. I'm doing Narcissistic Personality Disorder. In other words, I'm going to talk about me :P
Seriously, though, it's a very serious disorder that I have, and I think more people should be aware of what I go through every day of my life. It's not easy being a narcissist. It's hard...I'm really struggling (grin)
Jaimee and I had a fight. It was a good fight and a lot got resolved. Mostly I resolved to talk to her more about what I need to do with my day/life, so that we can make plans that allow for both of us to get what we need to get done done.
I'm revising my project list.
* Davon Creek
* Ben's Story & Pop-up Book
(needs to be done by June)
* Short Story for Folio
* Short Story for Publishers
* Q&E#6
* Bounty Hunter BESM game
(starting Saturday)
* Star Wars BESM campaign
(must work on before april)
* Comixa Redesign (sniffle)
* Poetry Archive Redesign (sniffle)
* Q&E compilation
* Short Story Anthology
* Poetry Anthology
* Guys In Color Conversion
So there you go. I prioritized. Not something I enjoyed. Blah.
I should have the short stories done soon. That'll cut down on my mental workload considerably. If I can get Ben's story somewhat finished, I will feel ok with working on the websites. But first I need to start it.
I haven't started it because I want it to be perfect. I don't know how to do perfect so I'm putting it off. That's bad. I need to start it.
bye all