Current Mood: Relaxed... more or less...
Jaimee bleached her bangs today. She let them soak in the solution for a full hour, and they turned from dark red to orange. Actually, up near the top, they're white, and they fade all the way down to a medium red by the time they get to the tips. It's cool.
I, while this was occuring, was making miniature walls out of sculpey. I've gotten 3 done so far, and it's getting easier. My father has offered to buy me a set to make molds with, so that I can construct the walls and then clone them out of resin. That'll be sweet.
After our mutual projects, we settled down with my brother and his friend to watch "Last Exile". It's an Anime that features Airships and steam-powered muskets. We saw the first four episodes, and, true to the nature of Anime, it's confusing as fuck. They've only begun to hint at the overriding storyline, and it looks like it's going to be an epic. Epics are fun, especially when they're violent. This one is ok.
And that, my friends, is Joe's day off. Relax Relax Relax.
I'm still wearing my sleeping pants, and it's almost time to go back to bed.
That being said, I think I've had a pretty good day.
all in all...
byebye now