Current Mood: Tired...
I don't know what happened to me last night. I watched Henry V with my dad and then went home and went to bed and had violent dreams. Pleasantly violent dreams.
In the first, a my brothers and some friends (including my fiance) were going down to Vegas, and the bum who used to live in my attic asked to come along. We told him no, at which point he started to cry. We went down to Vegas, and somehow everyone got split up. That's when the bad guys started appearing. I don't know if they were gangsters or what, but there were a bunch of bad guys who were out to get us. I started out with a pistol, but soon I killed someone and got my hands on their auto-rifle. After that, there was a lot of killing from me to them. People died. Gloriously, people died.
The second dream started out innocently enough. The bookstore that I work at opened a gas station and one of my co-workers worked there a lot. I went into it and met up with him, and he showed me how his family was planning on doing some reconstruction on this road. We were all looking at this road, when I realised I knew his mother from somewhere. That's when it hit me: She was famous. I don't remember exactly who she was or what made her famous. Just that she was. So anyways, I go back to their house, and there I'm introduced to this guy who's her partner/lover. He's a kind old man who's not so sure of himself. There's a knock on the door, and this guy from one of the big network stations comes in, asking if the old man knows anybody famous they can do an exposé on. The old man nods and says, "yeah, I know someone."... so I go over to him ask him quietly if he means my friend's mom. He doesn't reply so I hit him in the stomach and when he collapses I climb on top of him and put a pistol in his mouth. Then, patiently, I ask him again if he means her. He nods, ashamed, and I stand up and tell him that he knows what he's thinking is wrong. He nods again, and won't look at me (though thinking about it, I'm not sure I'd look at me either all things considered), so I go back to the guy from the big network station and tell him to get out and not come back. He does so, and quickly.
The third dream was through and through an action flick. I was a special agent who was aboard this flying cargo carrier. I had no memory to speak of, and all I really know was that there were people there who were under the influence of a mind-control drug. The drug itself made their eyes glow and enchanced their reflexes and strength dramatically. Unfortunately for them, I was all that and more. I fought them all, at first alone, but then with help of a crack unit of Marines led by a hot chick. I became a wild card in a battle between the Marines and the bad guys. They decided that I was as good as disposable and so sent me in as part of the team to take out the bad guys base on this island. Appearantly, the drug either came from or turned people into giant purple tentacle creatures. Either way, they were there, defending the island and making life for us all in all unpleasant. At this point, for reasons I can't explain, I saw the head badguy standing inside the fortress staring out at the battlefield. Behind him a Terminator Robot was being destroyed by the tentacles, and he was philosophizing about how it was "the last of things that were" and "just another technology that will fall." Cut back to me and the team of Marines and the hotchick gets hit and goes down. Me and three others surround her and refuse to go until she stands up. She lays there for a while, begging for us to leave her, and we refuse... finally, she pulls herself to her feet, looks at me and mutters...
and there, with a screaming of the alarm, the dream collapsed...
I'm beginning to wonder about myself, as I woke up very happy. I was actually giddy about the sheer violence of my dreams. maybe it's a sign that I've got too much aggression that needs venting...I don't know...
I went to humanities and learned that I should've read about St.Augustine's Confession and Mother Teresa's Autobiography. The sheet I had only said "Confession" and "Autobiography" and listed page numbers for a book I don't have..
so I sat there, supporting my head with my hand and tried very hard to pay attention. We tried to define sin today... and it's hard to define anything because we're given no universal guidelines. Every situation can be argued and the Moral Relativists try to say, then, that you can't say right and wrong... I think the entire point of life is in trying to answer questions like "what is right and wrong", and to say there is no dominant truth is selling yourself short. In reality, the truth about right and wrong is that only God gets to know for sure. The rest of us go from what we believe. But it's better to believe in some form of morality than none at all. That's just my PoV.
Oh well....Psychology was ok, we talked about Gender Roles. One guy wanted to say that it's ok for everyone to just fuck. He didn't have a good answer when it came to pregnancy or disease. He just sorta sputtered and didn't reply. Is sexuality Nature or Nurture? I think the desire to fuck and reproduce is Nature. The limits we place on who we fuck and why is purely Nurture. Or, to put it another way: We all have the capacity to fuck everything that moves, boys and girls alike. Where we differ is that girls have much more serious consequences to their fucking around and tend to think about that more than guys do. This leads to a much more catious approach to sexuality. Society (which is built on the collective thoughts of people) is then influenced by this and as such condemns the girls pretty strongly for being irresponsible. Just because Nurture says you shouldn't fuck around, that doesn't mean it's a bad idea.
oh, and just so we're clear, there guy-sluts are just as bad as the chick kind.
ok... I'm done ranting and raving and raving...
I'm going to update Comixa sometime in the next few days. My friend Lissa's given me some stuff and I've got some stuff to post, so...yeah...