I shouldn't've done it, and I know that, but I also know that I would've been wasting my time to go. So either way, it's kind of a lose for me. Instead I slept in, then played computer games for a really long time. which meant that all the things I had intended on getting done, I had to put off till later. Which was stupid of me. It was stupid because Jaia had a lot of things to do, and needed my help with them. I was then torn between helping the woman I love and getting done what I needed to get done. Bad place to be. I helped her study for an hour then went to "quickly" print something out. What I thought would take 5 minutes took a full hour. This hour resided between midnight and 1am. Jaimee had been waiting for me to get done so we could continue studying, and, due to my absent mind, I completely blew her off.
I'm sorry.
And today is not looking to be any easier. I've got to read everything I need for class friday, and get the company website onto the internet, and make some more labels for the company people to approve or disapprove of. I'm also supposed to meet lissa somewhere so we can show off our fragments of novels and give advice to each other. And I'm going to help jaimee study.
The nice part is: it's 10:30 in the morning right now. I'll have lots of time to get most of it done. Just as long as I don't freak out, I should be ok.
I've got a stupid sinus cold.
I hate sinus colds.
alright, I'm out of words...
tata all