Current Mood: Happy...and tired...big suprise
I'm making another quiz. I'm having a lot of fun with them. This next one's going to be the paranoia meter. You take it and it helps you determine your paranoia rating, from 0-6. It's gonna rock. But I need some ideas for the questions. I'm thinking scenarios like "you're waiting for an important letter, and the postman is unusually you:" and then have it ranging from pretty normal "I try not to stress", to freaking out "I just know they're sitting there, reading it and laughing at me, they're laughing at me, those fat smelly bastards" to extremely fucked up "I know they're holding it hostage, thinking I'll come out and get it, but they're wrong. They're going to have to come get me, and they're not going to take me alive (loads revolver)"
it should rock. (crosses fingers)
in other news... news news news... ha....
there's no news here, it's all babble...words...
I'm going to bed...tata all