Current Mood: I'm getting sick.
what's that song that goes,
"I'm just sick and tired
of being sick and tired"?
cause I am. I'm very very very sick...actually I'm not even sick and tired. I'm just sick. The cold is hitting my stomach now, curling it into uncomfortable knots of pain. The back of my throat is burning and irritated and swollen. I'm sick, and yet I'm going to go to work today. Not because I want to, but because I can and I need the money more than I need to rest.
Spring break came and went, and now those days of rest are spiting me. The work I didn't do during that week is catching up with me, and there's now a growing pile of unfinished projects that I need to focus on. Most of them, thankfully, are short term, but a few are disasterously long term...
Current Projects:
short term (to be finished march/april)
~Spring Cleaning (yard work, trash disposal, that jazz)
~Mold Creation (Silicon molds and resin casts of SculpeyIII creations)
~Short Story Submissions (for SLCC, and for publication)
~Campaign: StarWars BESM (escape from Sel Banka)
long term (to be finished after april)
~Ben's Story (4 chapters of 18 are done)
~Davon Creek (1 section of 3 is thoroughly mapped out)
Actually, that's a lot less than I had been worried about, which means I'm either stressing out unnecessarily, or I'm being forgetful. I'm hoping it's the former.
Regardless, most of those are pretty big projects. There's only two I'm confident I can get done this week. That being the mold and spring cleaning, and then only because (as far as spring cleaning goes) I have to.
Anyways, I need to go catch a bus. I'll write more later...
bye bye everyone