Current Mood: Grood...I mean...Good...and Great... Great and Good.
I sat down, first thing this morning and finished chapter 3 of Ben's story!
Current Progress (by chapter)
1 - 100%
2 - 100%
3 - 100%
4 - 75%
5 - 50%
6 - 65%
7 - 65%
8+ - 0% (blah)
I'm happy, almost dancing. I'm taking a break (hopefully a brief one) but then I'm going to go ahead and try to finish 4-7. After that's done, I'll write chapter 8 and that'll wrap up PART ONE.
Hellboy comes out tomarrow. I'm excited about that too, though I don't know when I'm going to see it. Probably not till next week sometime, as Jaimee and I don't have much time during the weekends to do anything. I work and she works, and we go to my dad's for dinner, and blah.
Random Thought: Coffee and Applesauce aren't complimentary at all.
I'm doing a redesign on the Guys In Color. I want to try to get that back up, though I don't know when I will. I guess we'll just see.
anyways, I'm off to play some online games for a bit...tata all...