Current Mood: uh-oh tony.
Jaimee was sick all last week. And the week before. And maybe even the week before that. She's been sick for quite a while. I've been taking care of her, seemingly immune to her illness. Ready and willing to make chicken soup and tea, to give backrubs and leg rubs, to cuddle with her and help her get needed sleep. All this, cause I was healthy.
My throat's beginning to burn, and that's the first sign. Soon my nasal cavities will be gone, clogged up with ickiness. soon I'll be weak and dizzy and tired and cranky and all those things that drive healthy people crazy. Lucky me, I'm getting sick.
I'm sure there's more I should talk about, but those things escape me at the moment.
I'm writing a kinda long piece about an old friend, because we haven't talked in almost 2 years and I kinda want to put the whole thing behind me. Not that I'm mad at her, or anything. Just... She made a choice about her life that I can't support. She decided that what she believed isn't as important as what she was told to believe. Or at least it seems that way. Maybe she was just pretending she wasn't a carbon-copy mormon. I don't know. In highschool she was friends with anyone and everyone. She was the nicest person, and she never judged people.
Now? I can't make the guarentee. I know she's driven people away. I know she's cut people out of her life. She's no longer the model of acceptance that she was before...
But all that will be explained in painful detail in a later post.
In the meantime, I've got better things to worry about.
I found my old neighbor Jenny on yahoo. I'm gonna send her an email and say hi. Oddly, I was never a great friend with Jenny. We walked to school together in my 10th grade year, and I had a crush on her. Nothing came of it and she moved away shortly after that. She is a very smart person, who learned that tits get you everywhere. In 10th grade I wasn't lusting after tits. I was lusting after her mind...and her body. But the body is nothing without the mind. Eventually I got sick of trying to get her to stop being a girl, and moved on.
She came to my house one winter night on my 10th grade year and tried to get me to help steal her step-dad's car. She was all decked up in a short black dress, and she had other boys with her. I was still full on in my lusting after her faze and even so, I knew she was trying to use me. It pissed me off, and I sorta told her to go to hell. I don't think that helped our friendship much.
After she moved we communicated via letters. That lasted about a year. For a while we didn't talk, then all at once she came back into my life for a visit. I was between relationships (and kinda still in the cynical recovery faze) and we hung out. It was a boring ass day. She and her friend talked make-up and boys. I sat there and stared boredly out the window. We went to a little greek resteraunt by my house and then to the University to play pool. The girls tried hitting on college guys and I played pool. It was a very boring day.
We were out of contact for a while after that. She was in California, and I was infatuated with this goth-lesbian-controlling-evil bitch. Neither of us wrote the other, and for a long time I didn't even so much as think of her.
During this time, I had an erotic dream about her. She, in my dream, was a virgin, and I wasn't. (I think there was a serious reversal of roles going on), but we made love and it rocked! In the morning, whipped that I was, I confessed it to my goth-lesbian-controlling-evil bitch girlfriend. She promptly took all the letters that Jenny had written to me and burned them. She was fond of burning irreplaceble things.
I thought Jenny was kinda out of my life forever at this point.
Then, after the goth-lesbian-controlling-evil bitch left me for another guy (and a girl), she showed up again. It was about 9 in the morning and I was not awake. We talked, but I dont' remember what about. And then she left. I think I got her email address this time around, but maybe not.
Regardless, I didn't actually see her again for several years. in fact, I really can't remember when we next met. I know we communicated a bit by email, but I'm not sure when she got my email or I got hers. I'm pretty sure we talked at least once, cause I remember her talking about this guy she had a crush on, or something like that. bah, it's all jumbled in my head.
The next distinct time I remember was two years ago. She dropped out of the sky, and landed on my doorstep, asking to use my phone and paying me well for it (5$ for about 10 minutes worth of calls). I was talking to jaimee on the phone when she showed up, and so I let jaimee talk to her. I don't really remember anything except how funny it was watching jenny try to salvage a very badly planned roadtrip.
She was supossed to be heading to boston, I think, but only got from California to Salt Lake. Then they turned around (her and some guy) and went back to california. That was the last I talked with her.
Anyways, I thought I'd email her and see if she's still alive.
yeah...bye everyone