1- What is your favorite cartoon?
All time or Currently? Anime or Comedy? All time Anime is Cowboy Bebop. All time comedy is either Freakazoid or The Critic. Currently, I don't watch much TV, but I like The Simpsons and I watch whatever Anime I can catch. Last anime I watched was Last Exile, which was neat.
2- Okay your movie is going to be a big hit what big name actors would you get to play Crazyjimmy, Bitterjoe, and Jamiee? Sorry I don't remember her characters name.
Current "Ultimate" Cast List:
Jimmy Dabomb - I can't really think of anyone currently in hollywood who'd be able to be jimmy. Not that there isn't one. Just that at the moment, I can't think of anyone cool enough. Jimmy's a prick and yet people love him. Short of a very young Val Kilmer, I don't know of anyone who's perfected that roll.
The Bitter Joe - um...I think ideally he'd be played by Ed Norton or Giovanni Ribisi. Cause both of them do "nice guy loser" real well.
Midnight (Jaimee) - Selma Blair cause she's really really cool, or Amanda Peet just cause I think she's attractive.
Fire (also Jaimee...don't ask) - Helana Bonham Carter, cause Fire's a psychopath.
3- Make up a superhero based on something that happened to you today? Well ya know whatever day you read this.
That superhero would have to be called "Lay there in my underwear and watch the news lad" He wouldn't do much except watch interviews with the White House staff and admire how they are, as a general rule, much better at talking with people than the President.
I'm not sure the replies are all that exciting, but there they are.
and with that, I think I'm gonna be off for a bit...
byebye all