My Ideal Soap Opera
Current Song: Stoned Opera - Mike Doughty - [
Current Mood: Feelin' Fine.
I'm gonna write a soap opera. I'm gonna call it "lucky strike in suburbia." It's going to be about a bunch of people who are trying to win the lottery. some of them are good, some of them are evil, and some of them are both good and evil. the firs episode will end with all of them not winning the lottery. Meanwhile, the truly evil character (the man with the dark, short cut beard), and the the slutblond will go to Vegas. In Vegas they will get drunk, have sex (without remembering), buy some keno tickets, have some more sex (also conviently without remembering), lose at black jack, and then then evil guy will say something like "one day I will own you" to the slut, who's all like "you can talk all you want, but you'll never lay a hand on me." Later they'll get drunk and have more sex (which they still won't remember), and then head back to the city.
Meanwhile, one of the other characters (one of the good ones) will get posessed by a demon who loves stealing womens underwear. He'll seduce each of the women in turn (three of whom will get pregnant) just to steal their panties. Eventually, one of the other good characters will become a Force-From-God(tm) and banish him from this realm.
Months will pass, the children of the demon will be born. The mothers, for no reason what-so-ever, will name them all "Bobby". The children will communicate telepathicly with each other, and slowly influence the lottery-addicted parents to all pick the same numbers. The villain will still have his own lottery numbers, and will still be fucking the slut (who comes over just to steal the villians numbers, but constantly ends up getting drunk and fucking him without ever remembering). The mothers will all three win the lottery, and they'll all three divorce their husbands, take the children and the money and move into a giant mansion together. There, they'll have lots of lesbian sex orgies and will eventually start a coven.
The villian will oppose this coven, and will join with the Force-Of-God(tm) character to form a Cabal of Light(r). They'll recruit the reclusive (but damnably attractive) geek to help them, and the three of them will begin to fight the forces of demon-inspired-hedonism.
and that's just week number 1. (grin)
that's all for now