Ducking under the nav bar

|01.04 |02.04 |03.04 |04.04 |05.04 |06.04 |08.04 |09.04 |10.04 |11.04 |12.04 |01.05 |02.05 |03.05 |06.05 |02.06

Elektra: Jennifer Garner's Ass Fighting Its Way Through A Drab Skirt&Sweater Combo

Elektra: Ummm... Well, All of it really.

Elektra (see a theme?): The First Movie That Made "Blade" Seem Not-So-Sucky

Elektra: It stole two hours of my life, and I want them back.

Poetry Page
gallery - soon?
"Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live."
-Dorothy Parker-

[9:07 PM]

Writing Related Day

Current Song: Pushing the Sky - Cowboy Bebop The Movie OST []
Current Mood: Feelin' Fine.

Ok, I got a weird email from a strange person because I post a poem or two on message boards. I do so because I know that poetry isn't very marketable and it seems silly to sit on it when I could just share it. I like reading other people's poetry and I like hearing about it when people think something I wrote is interesting. I don't take it very seriously, though, and don't expect other people to. But Yes, very much, if you like my poems I encourage you to let me know. My ego is susceptible to padding and complliments.

All that being said: this is not a good way of saying Hello to me for the first time:

Hey crazy Jimmy I love your poem I wish i was that girl hey i want to talk to you more so email me at XXXXXX@XXX.XXX or XXX@XXXXXXXX.XXX well I will talk to you later BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news, I came home from the writer's group wanting to write, and having heard a lot about relationship problems recently, I was thinking a lot about that. Almost immediatley, I found a story I had written about a relationship that was just dying for a rewrite. So I rewrote it.

Which means, once again, I've have a damned successful day.

I got this from lissa's live journal. At first I got the empress, but she was scarey, naked, and pregnant, and I didn't want to be her, so I changed an answer...bad bad me

The Hermit Card
You are the Hermit card. The Hermit has chosen a
solitary spiritual path. He shines light on his
inner self and, by this means, gains wisdom.
The Hermit's home is the natural world and it
is by being in tune with that world that he
learns the laws of nature and learn how they
operate within himself. His path is a lonely
one as he lives in silence and has for
companionship only his own internal rhythms.
But those crossing his path are touched by his
light and wisdom. Though often alone, he
manages nevertheless to instruct those who meet
him and guides those who chose to follow him on
a path towards enlightenment. Image from The
Aleister Crowley Tarot deck.

Which Tarot Card Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

that's it for now,
until later cats and kittens...


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