A Quick Update
Current Song: Grace Kelly Blues - Eels [
Current Mood: blah
yesterday the slutgirl admitted her folly, but still bitterness remained mad at fatman, for the day before fatman interuptted bitterness during foodtime to request his presence in the giant pit. fatman, bitterness learned, was only following the slutgirl's orders, but even with that excuse fatman was being way too controlling. bitterness may need to take action against fatman before the year is over. yesterday was a big day. bitterness was clothed in color and dragged out into the light. he spent time with the nice-guy and also with quiet-guy and cool-guy. He talked briefly with black-girl and chatted amiably with vegia. he covered the troll, and later covered quiet-girl. Then, taking the trash of the world, he left.
I need to make up for lost days and get some writing done. I'm just kinda stalling. I should go do that...so I think I will.
[T Minus 17 days]