Current Mood: relaxin'
I got this from Lissa's LJ
1) Full Name: Joe... more than that, you don't get :P
2) Age: 24.
3) Birth Date: 022880
4) Height: 5'8"
5) Weight: dunno, something like 200
6) Birth Place: mother's womb
7) Zodiac Sign: Picies
8) Parents Names: RR and CC
9) Pets Names: Spooks, Dante, Polyanna, Lucrecia, Muffin
10) Nicknames: "CrazyJimmy", Jimmydabomb, thebitterjoe, bitterness
11) Closest Friends: Lissa, Jaimee...
13) Siblings names: J and D
14) Hair Color: almost black
15) Eye Color: brown
16) Favorite Color: bright orange, bright green, dark blue, dark red, purple
17) Favorite food: Beto's Nachos
18) Favorite drink: Coke
19) Favorite Candy: dunno
20) Favorite Restaurant: Beto's
21) Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Beto's or Crown Burger
22) Favorite Pizza Place: Papa John's
23) Favorite Fruit: Orange
24) Favorite day of the week: dunno
25) Favorite Holiday: dunno
26) Favorite Season: spring
27) Favorite word, quote, or phrase: "Forest-Dungeon... Whatever" -DeeDee
29) Favorite letter in the alphabet: S
30) High School: East High School
31) Favorite Band: mc chris, Eels, K's choice, Torrini, Tegan&Sara, Others
32) Favorite Boy Band: all boy bands should be fired into the sun.
33) Favorite Song: Fuckin' up my Christmas - mc chris
34) Favorite Movie: Swingers, Office Space
35) Least Favorite Movie: ever? Hmmm... how about the last really bad movie I saw was The Core
36) Favorite T.V. show: AquaTeenHungerForce, Mr.Show, Rescue Me
37) Favorite Actor: currently, Dennis Leary (serious, watch rescue me)
38) Favorite Actress: dunno
39) Favorite Comedian: Lissa, Or Dennis Leary
40) Favorite Book: Little Sister - Raymond Chandler
41) Favorite sport(s) to play: wrestling ;)
42) Favorite sport to watch: mud wrestling ;)
43) Characteristics that make a good person: Honesty
44) Characteristics that make a bad person: Selfishness
45) Any Phobias?: That I am not now, nor will I ever be, Good Enough.
46) If I could change anything about me, what would it be?: Self Confidence, and more magic time to write
47) What car do you drive: feet
48) If you could have super powers, what would they be: I wanna be nightcrawler or spiderman
49) The most annoying thing people do or ask me: so...how's it feel being married?
50) Single or Taken: Taken (and how)
51) Do you have a crush: on my love...I miss her
52) First thing you noticed about your crush: she looked like she was very much in control.
53) What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: boobies
54) Favorite thing about opposite sex: boobies :P
56) Favorite thing to do on a date: make a charming ass of myself
58) Song that can make you cry every time you hear it: Blue - Cowboy Bebop OST
59) Music that I've been listening to a lot lately: mc chris
60) Do I like to dance: I have been know to get Jiggy-Wit-It from time to time.
61) Song that makes me want to dance: anything upbeat with bass
62) The Last Movie I saw: Collateral (

63) What I like to do in my spare time: masturbate :p, write, read, sleep
64) Last person I received an email from: Spam
65) What's your favorite monopoly piece: the boat
66) Have you ever broken a bone: I think I broke my foot once
67) Do I believe in god?: verymuchso, yes
68) How many hours of sleep do you need?: more than I've gotten in the last 3 weeks
69) Do I play an instrument: well...no
70) Allergic to anything?: not that I know of, though some types of bottled water make my throat contract...
71) Wear glasses?: should...but don't
72) If you could live in any country where would it be?: here, cause there's no place that's perfect
73) Favorite Place to be: home
74) Ever been toilet papering?: once, long ago
75) Pet Peeves or things you look down on: closed minded idiots who act all high and mighty cause they can pointlessly spite the status quo.
76) Curfew?: nope
77) What time do I go to bed?: 3-ish
78) Favorite Family member besides my parents?: my bros
79) Most embarrassing family member: that would be J, or me, or D...we're all pretty foolish.
80) Favorite Piece of furniture: my chair.
81) One thing you would bring if you were stranded on an island: a computer with a solar battery or 1000 notebooks.
82) Funniest thing I have ever seen: This
83) Night or Day: You are the one, only you beneath the moon and under the sun...
84) Lust or Love: Love
85) Kisses or Hugs: Why not Fuck?
86) Apples or Oranges: potato, po-tah-to
87) Where do I want to go on my honeymoon: to bed ;)
88) Favorite Pair of Shoes: sandles
89) Favorite Store: I've always been partial to ThriftTown, meself
90) What achievement am I most proud of: my half-finished kids book (half finished! w00t!)
91) Last Job I had: B&N
92) My Ideal Job: Writer
94) Favorite article(s) of clothing: my binary t-shirt
95) Goodluck Charms?: Jaimee's my best luck charm. Both of my rings and my necklace (cause she gave them to me)
96) Jewelry?{piercings}: my rings and my necklace.
97) Cartoons that I watched as a kid: Robotech, Transformers, GI Joe
98) Best Advice to give? Just be honest, even if it sucks.
there, happy?