The Pains Of Adulthood
Current Song: Grey Ghost - DoughtyCurrent Mood: Relaxing
This is the first chance I've had to actually vegitate at my computer since...well, since a long time. I've been busy. really really fucking busy. I'm getting an apartment, so that jaimee and I (now married) will not have to live with my brothers any longer, and that means I've had to start working full-time to pay the bills that having an apartment will incur and just to make matters worse, I'm also trying to plan a reception and not getting anywhere with that. I sleep about 6 hours a night if I'm lucky, spend the few hours that I'm not working or running around laying about too weak to really move. I'm tired and keep feeling like I'm going to get really really sick...
But on friday, I'll actually have the apartment, which means instead of looking for the apartment, I'll spend my time moving things into the apartment and cleaning the house behind me. I'll try to make the move as painless as possible, but having never really done this before, I'm worried about things getting broken or messed up. I need to call the electric company, the phone company, and the dsl company and get myself wired to go...
in other news, I'm not writing anything, but I've got a handful of story ideas that I've been fleshing out including a fantasy novel, and another kids story. I've also been trying to come up with some pen names as my real name is too damn common...
blah...if I didn't want to be responsible so bad I could just stay in my house and not bother working my ass off...but what kind of husband would I be if I did that? not a very adult one, that's for damn sure...
oh well...I'll sleep come the fall...