Current Mood: Awake and Ok
Ok, I apologize profusely to the three of you out there in cyber land. I have been without an internet connection for a very very long time. Jaimee (my wife! I'm married! ahhh!) has moved into the apartment, and we've been spending the last month getting settled, buying computer desks, beds, pots, pans, and cereal. Now, finally, DSL is installed (kinda), and life online can resume.
And life has been chugging along. At work, I recently got promoted to a lead position, meaning I get more money and more responsibilities. Even though my responsibilities far exceed the pay increase, I'm pleased. Mostly it's cause the money will make sure the power stays on, and the food stays in the kitchen. Oh yeah, and it'll assure that I can continue to surf the internet rather than doing what I should be doing.
I should be writing right now. I've got only two chapters left to write in my kids book before the second part of it is done (it's a very big kids book). I could also be working on one of my novels (none of which have even been mapped out, but whatever). At the very least, I could be changing the cat box or doing laundry...
but I'm not going to, so sue me :P
I keep trying to register for blogsnob but last time they decided that my website didn't exist and deleted my account, so I guess we'll see...
see ya later