Blogsnob. Analysis: NOT SNOBBY ENOUGH!
Current Song: 10 year old (lullabye dub)- McChris (E.Gibby & Slackmaster remix)Current Mood: I've got a kink in my back and it won't come out...but that's got nothing to do with anything :)
I'll admit, I'm vain. I wanted people to come here, read my sarcasm and think to themselves, "Gee, that joe." and hopefully in a good way. So yeah, I registered with blogsnob, a free ad-exchange site that would, in theory, give me some more hits.
In reality, I find myself reading the blogs of some funny people who happen to have left catchy clever ads and haven't been writing anything resembling a post, much less checking to see if I'm getting those desperately sought after visitors.
Still, every forth of fifth ad that passes through my little random link section has to be a spam ad for refinancing a car, buying a home, reducing my debt, enlarging my penis, or some other web-based triviality. It makes me wonder about the blog snobs. I mean, certainly me, with my grounded views on life and laid back attitudes, would not be eligible for blogsnob status. Geeksnob status, now that I have in spades (don't you ever tell me that doom was a good game, that quake was a worthy successor, or that doom3 is worth buying a new computer for. Id can suck my balls), but blogsnobbiness? I don't have it. At least I don't think I do.
And yet I'm offended by the stupid spam-ad that this service now is putting on my site. This is an outrage and must be corrected. I am, in fact, so offended, that I will do nothing more than this post. That'll teach those bastards.
In other news (which is a funny way of saying, I'm changing the subject now), Jaimee and I went out to get a pair of cats to replace our dear departed Brodie, who got sick and died within a month of adopting him (R.I.P. Brodie-cat). We now have a more or less fully grown Calico cat who's adoption-store name was "Scarlet", but whom we are calling "The white cat" while we decide on a better name. Joining her is a tortise-shell kitten from a litter of three who's siblings were called dia and de, and who's name was dea. We're temporarily calling her "Spaz", cause she runs her freaking head off.
The cat formerly known as Scarlet is hiding under our bed, being upset, and it's our hope that she'll eventually come out and be sociable. Meanwhile Spaz loves to wrestle, has cute little yellow eyes, and is currently sitting on our bed, staring down at the ever exciting carpet. Go Spaz, you little monster, destroy the place.