Ducking under the nav bar

|01.04 |02.04 |03.04 |04.04 |05.04 |06.04 |08.04 |09.04 |10.04 |11.04 |12.04 |01.05 |02.05 |03.05 |06.05 |02.06

Elektra: Jennifer Garner's Ass Fighting Its Way Through A Drab Skirt&Sweater Combo

Elektra: Ummm... Well, All of it really.

Elektra (see a theme?): The First Movie That Made "Blade" Seem Not-So-Sucky

Elektra: It stole two hours of my life, and I want them back.

Poetry Page
gallery - soon?
"Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live."
-Dorothy Parker-

[9:54 PM]

The Incredibles. Verdict: IT WAS ACTUALLY FUN

Current Song: Get A Move On - Mr.Scruff []
Current Mood: Feelin' Fine.

So, The Incredibles was actually a good movie. Not necessarily a great movie (not like the amazing Sky Captain And The World Of Tomarrow ), but much much better than I had been expecting.

First off, there was violence. Not just normal Disney Things-Explode-But-Nobody-Dies type violence either. People actually died. Granted, you don't ever see any blood, but there are a lot of people getting engulfed in flames, sucked into turbines, falling, getting crushed, etc. It was a joy to watch.

Also, it stayed true to its material. Rather than being a happy-go-lucky "wouldn't it be funny if superheros were also a family" type movie. It was a serious super-hero movie. It didn't shy away from questions about right and wrong, nor did it obsess over them unnecessarily. It just told a good story. It wasn't preachy, mostly. It wasn't dull at all. It was just fun.

And the best part is...IT HAS JASON LEE IN IT! How geek can you get? Brodie is in the fucking movie.

And they say "God". A lot. And not in the "praise the lord" kinda way. It was more like, "God Forsaken Island..." and "What in God's Name..." type of stuff. It was fun.

It made me happy, anyways...

I think I could make this post longer, talking about the shithole that is work, but I don't think anyone really wants that. Instead, I think I will leave you with this totally random thought:

"man, I'm tired."

bye all


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