Random Thoughts
Damnit, mini-muffins just don't last long enough.I washed some dishes today, go me. I also got a fork stuck in the food disposal unit. It was fun to watch the handle of the fork spin around and around and around. It wasn't so fun to shove my hand down into that grimy dark hole to get the fork unstuck from the dull but persistant teeth. However, after five minutes or so of fussing I'm pleased to announce that the stainless steel fork came out entirely unscathed.
I'm supposed to be writing now, as per my promise to jaia. Before she left, she said, "Joe, I want you to write 20 continuous pages of something. I don't care what." I've written 2 so far, and owe her another 18 by Saturday. We'll just have to see.
That's kinda it. Ta.