My December
I haven't posted in a while.I know, I know.
But I've been busy... Maybe not too busy to post, maybe a bit too busy to post... who can say, really? I dunno...
But I'll say this... DECEMBER SUCKS!
Ok, I'm not a grinch. I'm not a scrooge. I like christmas. I get a kick out of snow and christmas trees and lights and all that silliness. I don't mind christmas music so much, even if it's crappy mccrapfuck jessica simpson singing "merry christmas, here's my tits" (on a side note, and indulging jimmy some, don't you think it would be much more productive for ashley to follow her sister into other fields of expertise... you could do "simpsons gone wild" or some crazy-ass-shit like that...better than them singing, that's all I'm saying). Indeed, I'm the only person I know who's my age and has a christmas tree. So fuck you to your bah-humbug, that's not what I'm saying.
However, as much as I may be a jolly fucking christmas boy, I think there's no excuse for thousands of crazy bitchy people cramming themselves into a bookstore to buy gift-certificates and the book by that ex-mormon about the mormons. There's no reason to get all snobby just because that ultra-important book (that you've totally been meaning to buy but somehow couldn't until the last fucking moment) is now sold out. There's no reason to take that out on the cashier who's likely never even heard of this ultra-important piece of literature. And there's absolutely, positively, no reason to ever pay for a 10$ purchase with a 100$ bill. There's a bank just down the street, figure it out.
so yeah, between 40 hours at work and a somewhat healthy social/familial life, I've not been posting much.
so blah.