Comixa 2.0
This is just a quick note cause I gotta get to work, but I've made a lot of progress on Comixa 2.0.For those unfamilier, Comixa was a web-comic site I launched to host mine and my friend Lissa's webcomics. It was an ok site, but ugly overall. So after about a year of work, I gave up on it. If you go to the old site, you'll see that it hasn't been updated since about february of last year. Anyways, recently I decided to relaunch it, using CSS and much more style. I also am hosting it on the webspace provided by my ISP, so there's no ads.
The basic design is mostly finished, and one of the comics has been uploaded. More will be added as things are refined.
You can see the progress Here .
That's all for now. I'll keep all y'all informed when I add to it.