Geek Movie
A while back, I was sitting at work and having nothing interesting to do. In fact, if I remember correctly, I was staring with facinated disintrest at a blank piece of scrap paper. Anyways, I was thinking to myself that I should write something, and furthermore, I should write something that I actually know something about. I have a tendency to write about things that would interest me rather than writing about things that I could make interesting for others. For example, a few days ago I sketched out a Fantasy world in which magic is racially based, with the population of a race having an inverse relation to the magic potential of that race. Thus most races are kept at a minimum population because they rely on the magic, but the humans on this world don't suffer from that because they adopt technology in its place. But I'm getting off track.My point is that story is facinating to me, but I'm not really sure anyone else would care about the inner workings of a magical system that I completely made up.
So It occured to me that maybe I could write a movie about geeks, and make it really about geeks. Not like some movies where the "geeks" are all drug addicts, or they're failed jocks, or they're just really cute and charming and no one knows it. I wanted to write a movie about real geeks, but so that they can be understood. I wanted to make it something that the common non-geek could watch and laugh at, even if they still walked away not getting it. I also wanted to write a movie that geeks would appreciate, allowing for all the little bits of geek-culture seem through that makes the entire world so unique.
Throw into that a charming, but futile love story, a whole star-wars subplot, and even a guy wrestling a bear for absolutely no reason, and you have the Geek Movie.
Jaimee jumped all over the idea, and for the last few weeks we've been writing scenes, writing and re-writing the outline, and reading a book that tells us that we should not be writing scenes and the outline until we know what the story is...
It's a lot of fun, and I'm really glad we're doing it... but that's why I haven't been updating. (well that, and 40 hours of work per week...and a healthy sex life...and GTA: San Andreus...ok I suck)
Anyways, I just thought I'd keep ya informed, and show off my cool new CC logo.
it's down there, on the right, under all those pesky links. It just means you can share my site as long as you give me credit and don't profit off of it. Which is how I yeah...
see ya later