Current Song: Plunk Song - Tegan & SaraCurrent Mood: My Tuna Salad Tastes Funny
I was looking over my site this morning, and I noticed that my comments weren't working anymore. It took only a moment to realise that blogback, the comment system I was using, had, in all likelyhood, reset my account or just flat out deleted it. I realised next that I should probably ditch blogback and just adopt blogger's comments. I went through and diligently removed every bit of code for the old comments, updated, and discovered that I had managed to delete the opening line for my CSS...
which meant that rather than having a clean pretty site. I ended up with very neat looking gibberish.
I almost kept it.
it's fixed now, and I didn't get a screenshot, so you'll never know the beauty I beheld...
take that.