I got an idea
Current Mood: Sick...and a little pissed offOk, here's my idea... since minimum wage is unacceptable at $5.15 (just like it was at $4.75, 4.25, 3.80, 3.35, etc), and since we know that by raising it $1 or $2 we can take care of people's needs for a good five years at least, let's just skip all this piece-meal wage increases and pump it up to 9$ an hour. That way, we'll be good for like 20 years or so.
Except, ya know, the economy will crash, the cost of living will sky-rocket, and within a few years $9 will be too low.
It frustrates me that politicians are using something like the minimum wage as future campaign issues when we're not even two months into the new presidency.
Check here: Senate Defeats Minimum Wage Increase if you're curious what I mean...
and if you're really curious, lemmie quote the part that offends me so:
"While the outcome was never in doubt, Democrats said in advance they hoped to use the issue to increases chances for passage of state minimum wage initiatives in 2006, as well as to highlight differences with Republicans who will be on the ballot next year."
The political system is beginning to crash, folks. No one cares about the common-folk any longer, they're only worrying about their own damn political parties.
I'm sick, and I'm pissed off...