[12:36 AM]
Current Song: n/a
Current Mood: Tired
Hey all, this is just a quick post to invite everyone to check out
www.joeandjaimee.com. Among other things, it has the new blog that Jaimee and I are running together.
I'll be posting there a lot more regularly than I will here, so you should definately keep an eye on it.
that's it for now.
bye bye
[1:21 AM]
a quickie update
Current Song: Let's Do It - Holy C [

Current Mood: Stressedandtiredandstressedsomemore
I haven't been leaving much in the way of posts, and for that I apologize.
My life has been amazingly busy these last few days, with me working 7 of the last 8 days and at the same time trying to pack for a three week trip (leaving tuesday), plan a wedding reception, shop for an apartment, pay the bills, buy the groceries, put gas in the car, weed the yard, clean the house...ahh, hell, the list just goes on...
I've been busy... too damn busy...
Anyways, to actually give lovely readers something in the way of news: Jaimee and I started a new blog which we should have ready soon. It'll be specificly for the Wedding, but afterwards I'm thinking of making that our primary blog. To keep this blog from going to waste I'm thinking I'll convert it over to being a review site for all the different things I see and judge :-P. For example, I've been meaning to write a review of Simpsons: Hit&Run. Which was a great game when I played it and has absolutely no reply value at all. I'm thinking of doing such reviews by worth. In other words, "what would I pay for the game knowing what I now know of it"
Add to those delicious reviews other ones about Music, Movies, Soft Drinks, Whatever, and you have my idea of what S&F can become.
If anyone's interested in lending a review or two down the road, drop me an email. In the meantime, I'll keep you all informed.
T-Minus 12 Days
[11:26 AM]
A Quick Update
Current Song: Grace Kelly Blues - Eels [

Current Mood: blah
yesterday the slutgirl admitted her folly, but still bitterness remained mad at fatman, for the day before fatman interuptted bitterness during foodtime to request his presence in the giant pit. fatman, bitterness learned, was only following the slutgirl's orders, but even with that excuse fatman was being way too controlling. bitterness may need to take action against fatman before the year is over. yesterday was a big day. bitterness was clothed in color and dragged out into the light. he spent time with the nice-guy and also with quiet-guy and cool-guy. He talked briefly with black-girl and chatted amiably with vegia. he covered the troll, and later covered quiet-girl. Then, taking the trash of the world, he left.
I need to make up for lost days and get some writing done. I'm just kinda stalling. I should go do that...so I think I will.
[T Minus 17 days]
[12:31 AM]
I've Heard American Eagle Has These Effects On People
Current Song: Fiona Apple - On The Bound
Current Mood: My eyes sting, but I don't think that's a mood.
Since I've been back in Pittsburgh for the summer, my mom and I have been hanging out quite a bit. She's really a cool person and I've missed being able to do things with her whenever I want. And because she hasn't bought herself any clothes in a very, very long time, we decided it was time for her to go shopping.
Don't misunderstand: I'm not one of those people who lives to go shopping. The majority of my clothes are from thrift stores or the clearance rack at Old Navy. But it's fun to go out with my mom and watch her try on different things and put together little outfits for her to wear. I'm tired of seeing her wear the same t-shirts and the same denim skirt with the bleach stains. My mother should have nice clothes.
So we went to Banana Republic the first day and really had a lot of fun. We decided to go back another day and wander around the mall together and talk about girlie things and all that jazz. This was also the day I called my old Old Navy store and asked for my job back. They gave it to me, so I was psyched. I bought $30 worth of Mango-Mandarin-smelling products at Bath & Body Works.
Then we went to American Eagle, which is a store I generally don't like. I don't believe in buying fake hippie clothes and paying more than any self-respecting TRUE hippie would ever spend on clothing that is made in Taiwan. But my mother likes it, so we went in, and I saw The Dress.
The Dress was a very very casual white eyelet halter dress with shaggy ruffles at the bottom. More importantly, The Dress was the answer to all my irritation at buying a wedding dress. I don't believe in poofy, either. I don't think I need to believe in poofy to get married. So I was all ready to buy The Dress right then and there and take it home. My mother wisely suggested that I try it on.
As it turns out, I looked terrible. The dress stuck to my hips but not to my waist, made my boobs look more pathetic than they really are, and barely covered my ass. I felt like I was trying on a sexy-nurse costume IN FRONT OF MY MOTHER. So I took it off and started grumbling about wanting the wedding-dress-buying to be OVER, and my mom tried to console me by telling me about all the other places that were sure to have a better dress and we would just go to all those places until we found one.
This didn't console me. The idea of driving all over Pittsburgh to find the perfect dress just depressed me. So while my mother tried on the rest of her clothes, I started talking to myself about how I hate planning and I hate big affairs and I hate weddings and I just wanted to do it and be done with it and be married; and wasn't that the important part anyway?
And my mom, bless her heart, looked at me, tilted her head and said "Well, so why don't you do it this summer instead of next?"
And I had no idea.
So right there, in the American Eagle dressing room, we sketched out a little plan for doing this crazy-ass thing, this thing that is going to make people think I'm pregnant or at the very least insane out of my gourd. And I'm so excited, because this means there will be no more planning than is necessary to see that Joe and I get married. Which, in my opinion, is way more important than florists and photographers and fucking WEDDING FAVORS.
And for the first time, I'm actually excited about the planning. I think it must be because there will be so little of it.
We're finally getting married!
[11:34 PM]
Current Song: Don't Confess - Tegan&Sara [

Current Mood: Achy
hey everyone who might read this, be excited because I'm working on a poetry archive! (canned applause). Thank you. Thank you.
It is not complete, but you can see it at
That's really all I have to say...
And now...I'm going to bed
bye all