[9:50 AM]
Current Song: Amorino - Isobel Cambell [  ]
Current Mood: Fuck!
So, work just called. Once again, the manager fucked up and I'm catching the bullet. I lose my day off saturday again. and what do I get for it? not much. my regular wage, a sincere thankyou, and then jack.
I need a new fucking job. I need a new fucking job. I need a new fucking job.
FUCK! I'm so frustrated. It's annoying to be constantly ruled by my job. It's annoying to be the one who constantly has to save the day for everyone. It's annoying not to be given any damn respect everytime I do help out. They're going to make this chick cafe manager even though she calls off at least once every month, sometimes she'll call off several times a week. She's inconsistant, and a flake, but because one of the managers likes her, they're grooming her to run the cafe. It makes no sense, but this store really never does. I'm tired and I'm sick of working here. I need an escape.
such hell, and it's not even 10 in the morn.
[9:33 AM]
Current Song: Passing By - Zero-7 [  ]
Current Mood: Happy but sick
Total time to take test: 15 minutes!
man, I rock. I was the first out of the room, and people gawked at me as I left. It's nice being good at something, even if it's as meaningless as tests are. ah well...
Zero-7 has a new album out... or may have one out soon, as this song I'm listening to is definately new. however, thier site isn't working right now, so I'll have to check that out later.
On friday I ended up writing parts of chapters 6 and 7 of Ben's story. Which is very good. I was happy. To celebrate, I didn't write any more. That probably wasn't smart. Ah well.
new song: Charm Attack - Leona Naess [  ]
I'm trying very hard to save money, as I need to go visit Jaimee's family again. But making money is difficult when you have to pay bills and buy food. I'm tempted to just get a bus ticket, even though no one approves of me doing so. It's just that flying is $300 and a bus is $100. That's easier to swallow. I don't mind the hours on a bus, cause I'm sure I'll find something to kill the boredom with. It's just frustrating being this broke.
anyways, someone just came and told me I didn't finish the test, so I'm gonna go check it out... I'm pretty sure I did, as there were 50 questions and I've been taking tests a long time, but I'll go see...
tata everyone
[9:04 AM]
more song reviews: (from Onomatopeia on Live365
Smile - Telepopmusik [  ]
I like the singer's throaty voice. I like the electronica. I like the peaceful, meloncholy feel. I like this song.
Fingertips - Emiliana Torrini [  ]
I like Torrini. Most of her songs are 4-star. A few (If You Go Away, The Boy Who Giggled So Sweet) are 5-star.
Battersea - Hooverphonic [  ]
I like this song, but it's not something I'll seek out.
Bridge - Amon Tobin [  ]
I like acid jazz, or remixed jazz, or whatever you want to call it, but most of it (this song included) tends to be very repetitive. That I do not like so much.
Existence - Bugge Wesseltoft [  ]
This is the elevator music of the electronica scene.
Plastic Stress - Terranova [[  ]
I'm torn... I really like this song...I'm just not sure if I like it 3 or 4 stars worth....hmm...
anyways, I'm going home...bye all
[8:50 AM]
Current Song: Looking Glass - Blue States (  )
Current Mood: Tired.
Humanities got out early, and I'm not going to Psychology, so my day at school is effectively done. Which is good cause I don't know if I have the energy to stay around much longer. Staying awake is a challange.
I need to pick up computer programming again. I need to because of I was having a problem with a game I was working on 6 years ago. That problem more or less made me give up programming as being too difficult. And then, sitting in my car, yesterday, I realized how to solve the problem I was having...so now I want to program again just to get it out.
In other news, I have a bad habit of nursing silly ideas. I had an idea a bit back for a movie that takes place around a coffeeshop. I revised that recently to be a TV show (for no good reason), and since then I've been scripting out these little skits that would happen during it. My idea is that the show would be a series of connected skits, with a small handful of recurring characters. so it's almost like a variety show, at least in format, but not... I don't know, the idea has been done before but most of the cases that I've seen haven't really worked out all that well. The best way to handle it may be that you have a central story and then the skits...I dunno...
bah...anyways, I don't really have much to say... I checked my outline yesterday and my kid's book is now 1/4 done. That's exciting and cool, considering how easy it's been to write. I need to stay on task with it, as I wish to have it ready for publication by June.
maybe when I get closer to completing it, and have done some revisions, I'll post a bit up here for everyone to read...that would be supersweet...
I'm going to put another section in my bio that will be top 10 lists. I don't know when, though...
anyways, that's all the sharing I have to do...tata everyone
[12:52 AM]
Current Mood: sick, level 2 (that's the level before projectile vomiting)
I've got a lyric/couplet/thingy stuck in my head, and despite the power of google, I've been completely unable to find where it came from. Maybe someone will be kind enough to tell me. the lyric is:
"tell me a story
and I'll tell you a dream"
I don't know where it came from. For all I know I made it up, or it's in a poem I read. Or something...I don't know, but it's driving me crazy.
anyways, I'm worried that my sickness will keep me from writing tomarrow. I'm trying really hard to be a good writer and actually write. It's hard to find time to lock myself away to do so, though... I need to sorta be away from all the distractions of my home, and yet still have a computer (as I type much faster than I write). I've found that tuesdays and thursday mornings are good times to write, as Jaimee's at school and john and david are sleeping. with the house quiet, I can actually write...
it'll be so much easier when I move out, but that's a while away. In the meantime, I've got to get Ben's story done and make a good dent into Davon Creek. blah.
alright, sitting here is making the tummy sour, so I'm off to bed...
tata everyone
[9:56 AM]
Current Song: Sound Of Silence - Emiliana Torrini
Current Mood: I'm getting sick.
what's that song that goes,
"I'm just sick and tired
of being sick and tired"?
cause I am. I'm very very very sick...actually I'm not even sick and tired. I'm just sick. The cold is hitting my stomach now, curling it into uncomfortable knots of pain. The back of my throat is burning and irritated and swollen. I'm sick, and yet I'm going to go to work today. Not because I want to, but because I can and I need the money more than I need to rest.
Spring break came and went, and now those days of rest are spiting me. The work I didn't do during that week is catching up with me, and there's now a growing pile of unfinished projects that I need to focus on. Most of them, thankfully, are short term, but a few are disasterously long term...
Current Projects:
short term (to be finished march/april)
~Spring Cleaning (yard work, trash disposal, that jazz)
~Mold Creation (Silicon molds and resin casts of SculpeyIII creations)
~Short Story Submissions (for SLCC, and for publication)
~Campaign: StarWars BESM (escape from Sel Banka)
long term (to be finished after april)
~Ben's Story (4 chapters of 18 are done)
~Davon Creek (1 section of 3 is thoroughly mapped out)
Actually, that's a lot less than I had been worried about, which means I'm either stressing out unnecessarily, or I'm being forgetful. I'm hoping it's the former.
Regardless, most of those are pretty big projects. There's only two I'm confident I can get done this week. That being the mold and spring cleaning, and then only because (as far as spring cleaning goes) I have to.
Anyways, I need to go catch a bus. I'll write more later...
bye bye everyone
[11:30 PM]
Yard work rocks!
Well, no, not really, but it does feel good to rake the lawn and see it go from the faded brown to a much more visible green. Winter came right on the heels of fall, which meant a lot of the leaves weren't raked up then. Four months later, the snow's finally gone, but the leaves are all rotted and ugly looking. It's a sad sad situation. (grin)
After we cleaned up most of the front yard (and filled up our trashcan with a full week until the next pickup), my little brother and I started on the garage.
To understand the garage, you need to realize two facts:
1. In 1999 we moved to pittsburgh. we never really unpacked.
2. In 2001 we moved back to salt lake. The boxes that were never unpacked got mixed with a bunch of boxes from each of our rooms. These boxes were thrown more or less randomly into the garage, and it's taken 3 years for us to get even a part of those boxes sorted out.
This is partially cause we're lazy, but mostly it's because we had no room. Our ex-roommate took up a lot of space. That's one of the reasons we threw him out. (the others being: he never paid rent, he didn't have a job, he was a condescending prick, he was sexist, he talked too much, he ate our food, and- perhaps worst of all- he stank up our bathroom). Once he was gone, we actually had space to put things in the house.
So anyways, after good progress was made on the garage, David (my little brother) took a saw and began to trim the tree in our backyard. That's three major projects accomplished today. Which means, though I didn't work on either of my novels or do anything with the webpage, that this was a very very productive day. I can now sleep happy.
That's all really. I probably should recap my 3 days of horror at work (sat-mon), but I won't.
tata everyone
[9:39 AM]
Google Image Search:
1. Enter your (full) name into Google.com
2. Press "Image Search"
3. Choose your favourite(s) and post it
It's lovely, really
hmm, I was going to add some quizzes to this mix, but the quizilla doesn't seem to be working right now...grrr..
you may like to check out " gnoosic" which is nifty music database that allows you to enter names like Emiliana Torrini, Poe, or Soul Coughing and it will give you related bands based on other user's entries. It's a nice way to discover new music.
For example, a new band that's close to Emiliana Torrini is Meyls. Whom I now need to check out. It's cool.
anyways, I'm off again, for a bit...bye all
[9:29 AM]
Current Song: Heaven - Lamb
Current Mood: Waking Up...
ok, this if officially cool: http://www.me.berkeley.edu/hel/bleex.htm.
yep, exoskeletons. we're finally getting exo-skeletons. Soon, power-armor will be the thing to have on the battlefield. It'll be totally cool.
anyways, I've got to get to work on my kid's story, but I'm putting it off cause I'm not quite awake. Instead I'm listening to music, reading the news, and trying hard not to give into that desire to crawl back into bed...ahh well, it's early yet.
I think I'll do another post when I've got something interesting to say...maybe...
[10:52 PM]
Current Song: nosong
Current Mood: Pain, and a tired pain it is...
Man, a lot happened today...
I went bowling today. You know, it's that sport where you put on goofy looking shoes and throw a big heavy ball at a cluster of objects that are way to far away. Consequently, my right hand is all stiff and sore from it. Still, for $3.75, it was nice.
Also, I almost lost a shift at work, then I did lose it, and then I got it back again. The story is as such:
I'm working Sunday cause this chick at work RTO'd it. She called me and asked if I wanted her to take one of my shifts in exchange. I said, maybe, if you want. She said "well, I'll see and call you back"... she called back about 20 minutes later saying "sure, I'll take the shift"... great, I don't really care either way... then one of my managers calls and says "she's not taking your shift, you deal with it." and then, as if that's not bad enough, the manager adds icing to the cake by saying, "Are you sure you can handle that? I know you're having problems." Which, first off, is none of her damn business. And secondly, isn't that important since I WASN'T TRYING TO GIVE AWAY MY SHIFT TO BEGIN WITH!
I get the impression she hates me, wants me to quit or be fired. I'm positive. But whatever.
I started my kid's book. I got the first chapter written, and halfway through the second (of 18). That made me feel very good.
And last, and oddly least of all, I started teaching myself how to use Dreamweaver for webpages. It's a great program, except that it hides the coding from you. I hate that. I'm a very hands-on web-designer and not being able to see and tweak the code just frustrates me.
Anyways, I'm exhausted, so I'm going to bed...tata
[9:02 AM]
Current Song: Insanity - Liz Phair -
Current Mood: In pain...
Tired, I slipped my mechanical pencil lead-side-up into my pocket. It stayed there, unharmed, until I needed it. Somehow, by some magic that only the fates understand, when I reached for it in class, I managed to get a quarter-inch of graphite stabbed up under my finger nail. It's still there, cause I don't have any tweezers or anything to dig it out with. And everytime I hit the "S" key, it hurts like a little bastard. I'm just glad I'm not writing about Wessex, as that's a very painful word to write. so is sexxy. stupid finger.
Yeah, so I'm ditching Psychology again. Probably not smart, but blah. If I go to psychology, I won't get to check my mail, or do anything that's even remotely productive. Whereas if I skip psychology, I can work on my blog and pretend that somehow I'm getting something done.
And besides, there's only so much pseudo-babble I can take. The man is a self-proclaimed "ecopsychologist" which is a word, as near as I can tell, that he himself made up. It draws heavily on native-american influences to build it's case, talking of things like the "subjectiveness of time." It's babble, and I'm tired of hearing about it. And besides that, the lectures don't follow the study guide. And the study guide doesn't really work for the test... So I'm left constantly wondering exactly what I'm supposed to be learning...It sucks.
Last night, I had the strangest dream...
I dreamed I had my hand cut off by this chick at work. She was mad because somehow she managed to cut off both her hand and fingers (such that none of it would fit back together again). I had my hand stuck in the right spot, but I had to get to a hospital because it was wobbley. So I decided to take a shortcut down these conveyor belts that carried coffee and sundaes from the upper levels to where the barista's waited on the lower levels. The baristas would clean up the glasses (which got messy sliding around on all those belts) and then give them to the customer. The customer never knew the baristas didn't actually make anything...so anyways, I got out of the belt, and was just about to make my way to the hospital when the alarm went off...
anyways, I'm gonna go waste my time...doing...something...bye
[11:11 PM]
Current Mood: Happy.
Hey, I don't know if anyone noticed, but I've got a bio page over in the right hand column, and it's just getting jam packed with all sorts of goodies. I've got quizzes I've taken (almost all of them from quizilla), including 2 from lissa and 2 from me. I've got my bio, and 10 stupid questions (sent to me by lissa). And, best yet, I've got a new section of Q&E song reviews that I just put up, but that I intend on on updating more or less regularly.
so, if you're bored, you may want to look into it. I think it's neat...
well...I do...
alright, that's all, really...
tata, everyone...
[8:45 AM]
Current Song: Criminal - Fiona Apple
Current Mood: Hungry.
Here's a quiz I found on lissa's blog:
 You Are Happy Time Harry
The Ultimate Aqua Teen Hunger Force Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
I'm putting together a reading room out of the old office. My brother and I moved a couch up last night, and later on I'm going to move a chair in here. That'll give me someplace nice to just hang out. besides, this couch if fuckin' comfortable. It was the PS2 couch before we moved the PS2 into the living room. Now the old PS2 room is sorta like storage, and almost no one sits on the couch ever.
ick, rumbling tummy. hold on...
so anyways, I'm gonna move a light and a radio in here and have it be a reading room...that'll rock...
alright, I'm gonna to have my morning coffee and then maybe write the beginning of my novel. tata, all
[9:28 AM]
I'm just killing time, so I thought I'd rate all the songs that are played for the next little bit... cause I'm bored...so sue me...this is my blog, I'm allowed to do things like this
Nelly Furtado - One-Trick Pony
(honestly, I wasn't going to tell her, but she seems to have figured it out on her own  )
Gemma Hayes - Hanging Around
(This is a bad attempt to combine hard rock guitars and drums with pop lyrics and vocals...and I mean bad...  )
Sara Mclaughlin - you know it doesn't really matter, since all her songs sound the same
(she's a definate  ...and that goes for any of her music that isn't remixed... if it is remixed, and done so well, it can go as high as  )
Morcheeba - Slow Down
(no good.  )
Dido - Here With Me
(I like Dido...and this is my favorite of her songs. I don't know why.  )
Delerium f/Julee Cruise - Magic
(Delerium is like the anti-Sara Mclaughlin. All their songs (even the one with Sara Mclaughlin) get an automatic  )
Cibo Matto - Spoon
(This is an ok song. Cibo Matto is a bit strange. I haven't looked into her/them much. I might have to. Anyone who can get an entire song out of a missing spoon deserves a bit of diggin'  )
alright that was a pleasent waste of time, so I'm going to go now...bye all
[9:06 AM]
Current Song: Breathe - Michelle Branch -
Current Mood: Bleh...(it's like blah, except more blehey)
I'm really tired. I'm really tired and not feeling good. I'm really tired and tired and tired, and the archives are looking all funny even though the main page looks fine, so I'm all confused about that, 'specially since they're using the exact same coding...gah...
I'm still working on my paranoia quiz. It's going to be funny. And there's a song on Live365 that sounds like it feel right out of a late 80's video game theme...It's Kylie Minogue's song "slow" and I guess it's the extended mix, so maybe the normal version sounds, well, normal. This version honestly sounds like it feel out of a sci-fi top down scroller, or maybe one of the very early 3-d sci-fi shooters. I can almost imagine a digitized voice saying "you've got the plasma cannon." (grin)
Official rating:
Kylie Minogue - Slow (extended mix) -
see, that's what happens when you have too much time on your hands... you go and create rating graphics. They look nice, though... so I'll probably use them more.
alright, everyone...I'm gonna go play some bad online game...ta
[12:02 AM]
Current Song: In These Shoes - Kirsty MacColl
Current Mood: Happy...and tired...big suprise
I'm making another quiz. I'm having a lot of fun with them. This next one's going to be the paranoia meter. You take it and it helps you determine your paranoia rating, from 0-6. It's gonna rock. But I need some ideas for the questions. I'm thinking scenarios like "you're waiting for an important letter, and the postman is unusually late...do you:" and then have it ranging from pretty normal "I try not to stress", to freaking out "I just know they're sitting there, reading it and laughing at me, they're laughing at me, those fat smelly bastards" to extremely fucked up "I know they're holding it hostage, thinking I'll come out and get it, but they're wrong. They're going to have to come get me, and they're not going to take me alive (loads revolver)"
it should rock. (crosses fingers)
in other news... news news news... ha....
there's no news here, it's all babble...words...
I'm going to bed...tata all
[8:12 AM]
Current Song: nosong
Current Mood: Confuzzled...and tired...
so...big day in Huma1100. Had a paper and all the homework for the last 3 weeks due. Spent a good chunk of my saturday and sunday working on it. All so that the teacher could call in sick. GAH! Now, my muscles are all sore and and achy, and I'm stuck with an hours worth of free time. Then, just to make life better, I can't get to the music in Live365...it just keeps playing this one dumb ad and then freezing.
If I were cool, I'd have something neat to do... instead, I'll appease my vanity and check on my two quizzes. ah well. Bye bye everyone.