[11:53 PM]
Stupid Customers, Stupid E-mail Scams, & One Great Online Store
Current Song: Underwater - Tegan&Sara
Current Mood: Ok
Stupid Customers
- A man walked into the cafe and ordered coffee. He came back within a few moments and complained "Your coffee is old."
I looked at the timer, which said the coffee was a good half-hour away from even being close to old, and said "No it's not, we just brewed it a little bit ago."
To which, he shook his head, and insisted angerly "No, it's old."
"Are you sure?" I asked. "This particular blend has a unique bite to it. You might just be tasting that."
"No." He said stubbornly. "Your coffee is definitely old."
"Alright. I'll rebrew it." I said grumbling. With that, a single customer cost me 3/4th of a pot of coffee.
He went and sat down and I rebrewed the coffee. Minutes passed. I poured him the first new cup off the pot and he didn't even say thanks. Instead, he walked over the counter, prepped his coffee, and then took a sip.
"You were right." He said nodding. "It was just the blend." And with that, he walked off.
Later, I was helping a very nice woman with something and this 12 year old brat-boy-child entered the cafe and said very loudly (while i was in the middle of talking) "WHERE'S THE RESTROOM?" I told lissa later that I blamed his mother. Not just because she raised a loud mouth brat but that he was probably just like his father, which means she picked a poor breeding partner.
Stupid E-mail Scams
so, lookie at what I was sent:
From: Barrister Kingsley D. Esq.
Reply to: domchambers3@yahoo.com
Dear *****,
I am Barrister Kingsley Dominic, a solicitor at law. I am the personal attorney to Mr. Garry *****, a national of your Country, who used to work as a contractor with Shell Petroleum Development Company in Nigeria, herein after shall be referred to as my client. On the 21st of April 2001, my client, his wife and their three children were involved in a car accident along Sagamu express road; all occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost their lives.
Since then I have made several efforts to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this was unsuccessful; then I decided to track his last name over the Internet, to locate any member of his family; hence I contacted you.
I solicit your assist in repatriating the money he deposited in a finance firm before his untimely death. This money would be confiscated or declared unserviceable by this finance firm if not claimed.
The amount deposited is Fifteen Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars, and I have been asked by the finance firm to provide the Next of Kin for the claim of this money within the next 14 official working days.
Since I have been unsuccessfully in locating my late client's relatives for almost 3 years now, I seek your consent therefore to present you as the Next of Kin, so that the funds would be paid to you and then, you and I can share the money 35% to you and 65% to me.
If you are interested in this offer, kindly indicate your interest by replying on my above indicated Private E-mail address or telephone number for more discussions.
Best regards,
Barrister Kingsley D. (Esq).
Kingsdom Chambers
cell: 234 803 561 9649
tel: 234 1 7762532
fax: 234 1 790694
a few problems with this email:
1. I got this scam a little bit ago, or didn't they notice my blog?
2. NO LAWYER WROTE THE LINE: "Since I have been unsuccessfully in locating my late client's relatives for almost 3 years now" Secretaries exist for a reason. Maybe the scammers should think of that.
3. If I were going to take an offer like this, I definately would not want to get the lower end of the money, and yet he's offering me the 35%. If this was even close to being legitimate, I could easily take his ass to court to get my missing 65%. He shouldn't ask for more than a 10% finders fee. But fuck, I mean, if they're going to scam me, can't they do it intelligently?
I left the email and phone number up for you idiots out there who think it's a real deal. I'm sure no matter what last name you use, they'll happily try to scam some cash out of you, so have fun.
and finally
One Great Online Store
I am referring to compgeeks.com, through whom I purchaced some very well priced CD-RW and CD drives. Their site is very Geek, in that it's actually designed very very well. To their credit, they also have some of the best prices around, and are completely open and honest with what they're selling you. (New, Used, Refurbished, etc). Best yet, though, I made my order at 1, and they had it in the mail by 5. No "usually ships in 1-2 days". Oh no, the Fed-Ex truck came and my parts are on their way. This sort of perfessionalism should be encouraged. So I am doing my bit. Thanks CompGeeks!
(this "Thanks" is running on the assumption that the order will be complete when it's delivered, and have the exact pieces I ordered. I'm betting it will, but you never know. I'll keep you all informed.)
alright, that's everything. I'm going to bed!
tata everyone
[7:22 PM]
Current Song: Wish I - Jem [  ]
Current Mood: Tired
It's been a long day for me. I slept badly, having dreams of every variety, and never seeming more than a step from being awake. I dreamed of jamming with TMBG, staring in an episode of SNL, and all around bopping around being aimless. The SNL dream was weird because this guy came into the scene and asked us: "Ok, if Batman existed in Real-Life, who do you think looks more like the real bruce wayne. Me? Or [pointing at Paul F. Tompkins (from mr.show)] THAT GUY?" Mr.Tompkins, upon being pointed at stood up, ran over, and prompty belted the guy with a super cool dragon-whips-his-tail kick that sent the guy sprawling. I was impressed.
but anyways, dreams aside, I went to work. Halfway through I sorta kinda started a skit involving Dreary Todd, who's the brother of main character's ex-boss in my story "Macy", which may mean a little if you've actually read "Macy" but otherwise means absolutely nothing at all. Still, it makes me giggle to tie things together like that. Now, when I write the skit, Macy will be a part of the same literary-universe.
Anyways, work ended, I came home, made like I was going to go out again, but haven't. Instead, I've laid around and read and didn't sleep even though that would've been smart, and now I'm leaving a silly stupid post. Ain't I cool?
The worst part is that find out who Paul F. Tompkins really was (cause I knew he was the guy from mr.show, but I couldn't remember his name) took long enough that the point I was intending on writing I didn't actually write. Blah.
oh well, have fun everyone...
wait...I remember!
I just wanted to post this cause I think it's pretty accurate:
J | Jolly | O | Overwhelming | E | Elitist | Name Acronym GeneratorFrom Go-Quiz.com
and that, is everything
tata everyone
[9:07 PM]
Writing Related Day
Current Song: Pushing the Sky - Cowboy Bebop The Movie OST [  ]
Current Mood: Feelin' Fine.
Ok, I got a weird email from a strange person because I post a poem or two on message boards. I do so because I know that poetry isn't very marketable and it seems silly to sit on it when I could just share it. I like reading other people's poetry and I like hearing about it when people think something I wrote is interesting. I don't take it very seriously, though, and don't expect other people to. But Yes, very much, if you like my poems I encourage you to let me know. My ego is susceptible to padding and complliments.
All that being said: this is not a good way of saying Hello to me for the first time:
Hey crazy Jimmy I love your poem I wish i was that girl hey i want to talk to you more so email me at XXXXXX@XXX.XXX or XXX@XXXXXXXX.XXX well I will talk to you later BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In other news, I came home from the writer's group wanting to write, and having heard a lot about relationship problems recently, I was thinking a lot about that. Almost immediatley, I found a story I had written about a relationship that was just dying for a rewrite. So I rewrote it.
Which means, once again, I've have a damned successful day.
I got this from lissa's live journal. At first I got the empress, but she was scarey, naked, and pregnant, and I didn't want to be her, so I changed an answer...bad bad me
 You are the Hermit card. The Hermit has chosen a solitary spiritual path. He shines light on his inner self and, by this means, gains wisdom. The Hermit's home is the natural world and it is by being in tune with that world that he learns the laws of nature and learn how they operate within himself. His path is a lonely one as he lives in silence and has for companionship only his own internal rhythms. But those crossing his path are touched by his light and wisdom. Though often alone, he manages nevertheless to instruct those who meet him and guides those who chose to follow him on a path towards enlightenment. Image from The Aleister Crowley Tarot deck. http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/thoth/
Which Tarot Card Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
that's it for now,
until later cats and kittens...
[9:58 AM]
My Ideal Soap Opera
Current Song: Stoned Opera - Mike Doughty - [  ]
Current Mood: Feelin' Fine.
I'm gonna write a soap opera. I'm gonna call it "lucky strike in suburbia." It's going to be about a bunch of people who are trying to win the lottery. some of them are good, some of them are evil, and some of them are both good and evil. the firs episode will end with all of them not winning the lottery. Meanwhile, the truly evil character (the man with the dark, short cut beard), and the the slutblond will go to Vegas. In Vegas they will get drunk, have sex (without remembering), buy some keno tickets, have some more sex (also conviently without remembering), lose at black jack, and then then evil guy will say something like "one day I will own you" to the slut, who's all like "you can talk all you want, but you'll never lay a hand on me." Later they'll get drunk and have more sex (which they still won't remember), and then head back to the city.
Meanwhile, one of the other characters (one of the good ones) will get posessed by a demon who loves stealing womens underwear. He'll seduce each of the women in turn (three of whom will get pregnant) just to steal their panties. Eventually, one of the other good characters will become a Force-From-God(tm) and banish him from this realm.
Months will pass, the children of the demon will be born. The mothers, for no reason what-so-ever, will name them all "Bobby". The children will communicate telepathicly with each other, and slowly influence the lottery-addicted parents to all pick the same numbers. The villain will still have his own lottery numbers, and will still be fucking the slut (who comes over just to steal the villians numbers, but constantly ends up getting drunk and fucking him without ever remembering). The mothers will all three win the lottery, and they'll all three divorce their husbands, take the children and the money and move into a giant mansion together. There, they'll have lots of lesbian sex orgies and will eventually start a coven.
The villian will oppose this coven, and will join with the Force-Of-God(tm) character to form a Cabal of Light(r). They'll recruit the reclusive (but damnably attractive) geek to help them, and the three of them will begin to fight the forces of demon-inspired-hedonism.
and that's just week number 1. (grin)
that's all for now
[7:02 PM]
Current Song: From The Bottom Of A Well - Mike Doughty [  ]
Current Mood: relaxed
Yesterday, Lissa and I went to a coffee shop to talk writing. She brought the first chapter to her novel and I felt dumb because I hadn't done shit. We sat outside, in the shade of a very nice looking tree. I read her writing (it's cool), gave her some comments and some tips, and mostly just hung out. Meanwhile the tree became an evil tree and rained down little seeds on us. The shop closed and we went to B&N to look at books so she could build her father's webpage. He's written 3 books and she's making a site to promote them. We sat in the cafe, flipped through awful self-gratifying graphic-design books. After taking a brief moment so that melissa could look at their kids section, she drove me home.
I am one who responds to challanges. Her having her chapter done was a challange for me to finish the story I've been putting off. So I got home and immediately finished it. And it's good. Hot damn,it's good.
Even better though was today I wrote up an entirely new story from scratch. It's a crazy tale of a crazy girl who's going to kill the main character. It's a short little thing, but will likely expand when I get around to rewriting it.
Which means in two days, I've written two short stories. Which means I feel totally cool. well, maybe not totally cool, but pretty-swell. Happy, anyways.
life is good when the depression stays away.
that's it...
[11:28 PM]
Day 2 of 3
Current Song: Be My Angel - Mazzy Star [  ]
Current Mood: Mood-Medley
I'm on day two of three at that beautiful, blissful, hated, exhausting place I call work. I've closed twice and now I get to open once. But after that, a long easy slide of long easy days off. Days that I can use to (1) Sleep. (2) Write. (3) Procrastinate and wander around being mopey and depressed cause my love is far away. Hopefully I'll be able to focus on #s 1 & 2, and avoid 3 altogether.
I think I'm beginning to lose patience at my job. Usually, though I've been sick of it for a very long time, I don't let on how tired of it I am. Yet today, two different people, at two different times, noted that I was showing a total apathy towards my job. One of the people who commented on it was a manager. If he wasn't the coolest manager in the store I probably would've been written up or yelled at or given some menial task to punish me for not caring. As it was, he laughed and complimented me on how casually apathetic I really was.
The other person who commented was a coworker, and did so after I expressed zero interest in whether or not he left work early.
it's not that I'm frustrated or angry at the job. I'm just bored to tears with it. I'm bored and I don't fit in with my coworkers and all my starwars related humor is wasted on a sea of non-geeks and mostly I just miss Jaimee more than I know how to express. So instead I withdraw and don't express much at all.
so yeah. 2 days down. 1 to go.
[1:04 PM]
And Then She's Gone
We got back from vegas on monday, spent tuesday and wednesday relaxing (wednesday night we went to see Van Helsing, which was awesome, though totally unrelated to the Van Helsing out of Dracula. Oh Well.) and then jaimee left thursday. So now it's friday and I'm finding myself frustrated and lonely. She's only gone for the summer, and I will be seeing her soon, but it drives me crazy to be without her.
In the meantime, there's a Steampunk RPG I'm playing in, a novel, a kids book, and a half-dozen unfinished short stories that need my attention.
Keep Busy, Don't Go Crazy
the motto for the summer.
tata all
[9:15 AM]
Vegas Baby Vegas!
Joe and Jaimee are out of town
in Vegas until Monday
the land of slot machines
prostitutes, showgirls
lounge singers, casinos
and funny mexican immigrants
handing out free porn
leave us an email
and we'll get back to you
when we get back...
vegas baby, vegas
[10:32 PM]
True to my word, here are some questions that I got from Lissa for All Y'all to look at, and ooh and aww...
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. How have I affected you?
5. What do you think of me?
6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?
7. How long do you think we will be friends?
8. Do you love me?
9. Do you have a crush on me?
10. Would you kiss me?
11. Would you hug me?
12. Physically, what stands out?
13. Emotionally, what stands out?
14. Do you wish I was cooler?
15. On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I?
16. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
17. Am I loveable?
18. How long have you known me?
19. Describe me in one word.
20. What was your first impression?
21. Do you still think that way about me now?
22. What do you think my weakness is?
23. Do you think I'll get married?
24. What makes me happy?
25. What makes me sad?
26. What reminds you of me?
27. If you could give me anything what would it be?
29. How well do you know me?
29. When's the last time you saw me?
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
31. Do you think I could kill someone?
32. Are you going to put this on your LiveJournal/Blog/Whatever and see what I say about you?
that's all for now. I'm too burnt to really do much else.
bye all