[10:10 PM]
Writing Exercise #1
Jaia and I have been doing a lot of talking about me writing lately. Mostly because I've been going crazy cause I've not been writing. To a large degree, this is because I come home and "Veg" (Vege?) out rather than doing anything productive. I told her that one of the best ways to make sure I write is to give me a small project to write on. She agreed to email me a creative project if I would agree to immediately write something when I read it. So to my glee, I found the following in my email account today: Hey, my dear love,
Okay, I want you to write me a story about a little boy who finds out that he has exotic bugs in his backyard.
-your jaia
Keeping to my promise, I immediately wrote the following... Enjoy.
Tommy sat barefoot in the grass, holding a broken stick over his toy car and laughing. The three-wheeled convertable had. only moments ago, survived a death-defying plunge off the old stump, and only then after tumbling three or four times in the muck. Now, Tommy thought grinning, they face their worst fear yet! He slammed the stick down onto the die-cast car, scratching a bit of paint but really doing no harm to it. The Terror-Monster had struck again! The Terror-Monster was supposedly a monster of pure terror, but Tommy only had a broken stick, so that's what he used. He slammed the stick into the top of the car two or three times, making the kinds of sounds one makes when one is making the sounds of a Terror-Monster. For Tommy, this was something resembling a throaty growl saying "hello" After a moment, he plunged the stick into some soft dirt right next to the car, and said in his Hero-Voice "The monster! Run Away!" He picked up the car and drove it through the grass, rumbling to simulate the engine noise. He spun around in a circle, and then pointed the car back at the stump. "Vrum, Vrrum!" Tommy said, then simulating a wheelie, he drove the car at the stump. It was at that moment that a strange thing happened. As Tommy's card plunged towards the stump, a beetle about the size of his hand landed atop it, stood on its hind-legs, and stared at him with almost impassive disdain. Tommy screamed, dropped the car, and lept up. The beetle didn't so much as blink. Tommy picked up the broken stick and waved it at the bug, which didn't so much as blink. Finally Tommy shouted "Hoy-yah!" and threw the stick at the beetle causing it to give a little startled "hey!" as it jumped out of the way. Tommy stopped and stared. "Hey?" "Well," The beetle said quietly. "I was suprised. You really shouldn't throw sticks at people." "I didn't, you're a beetle." "Beetles," Said the beetle with all the snobbish air that a three-inch tall black bug can master," are people too." Tommy thought about this for less than a tenth of a second. "No they're not." The beetle opened its mouth as if to reply, then closed it again. "I gather you're not the smartest example of your species, are you?" "I'm plenty smart!" said the kid defiently. "I'm in the second grade!" "oooh, I'm impressed." Said the bug. "And last week, I spelled Believe, B-E-L-I-E-V-E, Believe" "I...See.." Said the beetle. "What's your name?" The kid asked, then added, "Mine's Tommy." "Well, see." The beetle was trying very hard to sound proper. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about." "what?" "Well, You might know me as..." The beetle paused for dramatic effect, "The Terror-Monster!" The kid screamed, picked up the car and smashed the bug dead. Later, he had a popscicle.
Yep, I'm good. BTW, I've stopped worrying about grammatical errors on my site, so if there are any...well...fuck it. bye all
[9:47 PM]
Blade, Eat Your Heart Out
My dad started up a New Years tradition about 5 years ago. He's not a big traditionalist, so this was quite a thing. His tradition was to go see the last showing of a movie, preferably one that was moderately interesting looking, and also preferably one that ran past midnight. The first year we did this, we went to see Dracula 2000. It was awful The next year we went to see the original Blade. Now, I have some friends who like Blade, and I forgive them for it. It was easily the stupidest movie I had ever seen. From quasi-psuedo-science to seizure-light-action-sequences to wesley-snipes-talking-in-his-I'm-wesly-snipes- the-gravelly-voiced-ultra-serious-bad-ass-figure-voice, it had all the makings of a terrible horrible no good useless movie. It was so bad that we stopped being quiet about our mocking. It was so bad that when the sercurity guy came in, he laughed with our mockery and didn't throw us out. It was really that terrible. But it was also terribly funny. I remember the movie with some amount of joy, because of how bad it was. How mindless it asked you to be. How much fun we had trashing it. So when my dad suggested we go see Elektra, I thought to myself "hell, it can't possibly be as bad as blade, and I enjoyed that." It wasn't as bad as Blade. It was worse. Not because the plot was worse, though there really didn't seem to be one. Not because the acting was bad, though it was. Not even because the actions scenes sucked, though they were so bad and so very very far apart. It sucked because it wasn't even bad enough to be funny. About a half-hour in I knew there was problems because the only real fight that had occured had happened off-stage. Elektra had powers that she didn't have in daredevil and yet she seemed to be unable to do the one thing I wanted to see: KILL PEOPLE! I don't go to a super-hero movie expecting an emotional drama. I guess that's supposed to be in there, as filler, but it should never...ever...interrupt the action. She's an assissin. WHY ISN'T SHE ASSASSINATING PEOPLE? Worse, I'm only barely schooled in Elektra Comic-Book Lore, but the movie seemed to have almost nothing to do with the comic-book character. She wasn't trained right, she wasn't resurrected right, she wasn't nearly as heartless or cold. All she was was a chick who had mood-problems. They threw in a love interest (though how you're supposed to have a worthwhile relationship when you're dead I dunno), threw in a young girl, threw in a few villians and let the characters sit around for about an hour figuring out what to do. After that hour, they decided to spice things along, and kinda force a confrontation. This ended with the Super-Assassin-Chick sacrificing her best-friend/contact just so she could run. SHE RAN FOR 3 QUARTERS OF THE DAMN MOVIE! She's this ultra scarey assassin girl and she's not doing anything that's ultra scarey or assassiny... she became a pussy. I DON'T GO TO A SUPER-HERO MOVIE TO WATCH A PUSSY! I mean, sure, Jennifer Garner is hot. She's got hips that are able to show through even the most conservative clothing, but if she's not kicking ass, then she's not a super-hero, end of fucking story. Ya know what? I wasted two hours of my life watching that movie, and I'm not wasting any more time being angry at it. this post is over!
[10:42 AM]
Comixa 2.0
This is just a quick note cause I gotta get to work, but I've made a lot of progress on Comixa 2.0. For those unfamilier, Comixa was a web-comic site I launched to host mine and my friend Lissa's webcomics. It was an ok site, but ugly overall. So after about a year of work, I gave up on it. If you go to the old site, you'll see that it hasn't been updated since about february of last year. Anyways, recently I decided to relaunch it, using CSS and much more style. I also am hosting it on the webspace provided by my ISP, so there's no ads. The basic design is mostly finished, and one of the comics has been uploaded. More will be added as things are refined. You can see the progress Here . That's all for now. I'll keep all y'all informed when I add to it. Tata
[1:38 PM]
eat your heart out Jaimee
SEW a student documentary.
[10:50 AM]
Current Song: Plunk Song - Tegan & Sara
Current Mood: My Tuna Salad Tastes Funny
I was looking over my site this morning, and I noticed that my comments weren't working anymore. It took only a moment to realise that blogback, the comment system I was using, had, in all likelyhood, reset my account or just flat out deleted it. I realised next that I should probably ditch blogback and just adopt blogger's comments. I went through and diligently removed every bit of code for the old comments, updated, and discovered that I had managed to delete the opening line for my CSS...
which meant that rather than having a clean pretty site. I ended up with very neat looking gibberish.
I almost kept it.
it's fixed now, and I didn't get a screenshot, so you'll never know the beauty I beheld...
take that.
[8:59 PM]
Geek Movie
A while back, I was sitting at work and having nothing interesting to do. In fact, if I remember correctly, I was staring with facinated disintrest at a blank piece of scrap paper. Anyways, I was thinking to myself that I should write something, and furthermore, I should write something that I actually know something about. I have a tendency to write about things that would interest me rather than writing about things that I could make interesting for others. For example, a few days ago I sketched out a Fantasy world in which magic is racially based, with the population of a race having an inverse relation to the magic potential of that race. Thus most races are kept at a minimum population because they rely on the magic, but the humans on this world don't suffer from that because they adopt technology in its place. But I'm getting off track.
My point is that story is facinating to me, but I'm not really sure anyone else would care about the inner workings of a magical system that I completely made up.
So It occured to me that maybe I could write a movie about geeks, and make it really about geeks. Not like some movies where the "geeks" are all drug addicts, or they're failed jocks, or they're just really cute and charming and no one knows it. I wanted to write a movie about real geeks, but so that they can be understood. I wanted to make it something that the common non-geek could watch and laugh at, even if they still walked away not getting it. I also wanted to write a movie that geeks would appreciate, allowing for all the little bits of geek-culture seem through that makes the entire world so unique.
Throw into that a charming, but futile love story, a whole star-wars subplot, and even a guy wrestling a bear for absolutely no reason, and you have the Geek Movie.
Jaimee jumped all over the idea, and for the last few weeks we've been writing scenes, writing and re-writing the outline, and reading a book that tells us that we should not be writing scenes and the outline until we know what the story is...
It's a lot of fun, and I'm really glad we're doing it... but that's why I haven't been updating. (well that, and 40 hours of work per week...and a healthy sex life...and GTA: San Andreus...ok I suck)
Anyways, I just thought I'd keep ya informed, and show off my cool new CC logo.
it's down there, on the right, under all those pesky links. It just means you can share my site as long as you give me credit and don't profit off of it. Which is how I feel...so yeah...
see ya later